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Software Types

What is a softwareall

Software is a set of instructions that makes use of the system hardware to return user desired output.

What is a hardware?

Hardware is the combination of physical components such as the Processor, memory, motherboard, storage devices and the input/output devices that processes those set of instructions.

Softwares are broadly classified into two types namely:

(1) System software

(2) Application Software

System Software:

This is a type of software which controls, co-ordinates computer operations and manages the hardware of a computer. System Software forms the base on which the Application Softwares work. They act as an interface between the hardware and the Application Softwares concealing the physical functioning of the hardware.

Examples of System Software:

* Operating System

* Device Drivers

* Database Management System(DBMS)

* Assemblers, Compilers & Linkers

* Basic Input/Output System(BIOS)

Application Software:

These are softwares that accomplishes user tasks. They act between the System Softwares and the User. An user interacts with the Application Software to get his tasks done. Application Softwares takes input from the user and processes it according to the users request.

Examples of Application Software:

* Word Processor

* Database

* Internet Browser

* Media Player

* E-Mail Client

What is a Firmware?

Firmware is a set of low level instruction that control the system hardware. Firmwares are embedded inside the hardware processors/micro-controllers and they act as the handshake between the hardware and the System Softwares. Firmware within a hardware can be compared to Life within a human, without which both would be meaningless.

What is an Operating system?

An Operating System(OS) is a system software that takes control from the BIOS and makes the system up and running. It acts as an interface between various application softwares and the System itself. Operating system has control over various hardware devices including the CPU and Input/Output devices.

Some of the best known operating systems are:

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